Protect your clothes: should you turn them inside out before drying?
Drying laundry is a whole science for many housewives. Knowing some nuances, you can increase the shelf life of the fabric and give it additional freshness, informs Ukr.Media.
Housewives dry their laundry outdoors, at home, and on balconies. Before hanging clothes, they need to be shaken well so that the fibers stretch and excess water is removed.
Some people wonder if they should turn their laundry inside out before drying. It turns out that there are some subtleties here.
Sun and air dry fabrics well, but there is a nuance. Sunlight can make clothes lighter, especially dark fabrics. Therefore, the item may become faded. If you turn the clothes inside out, this will help preserve their color and protect them from dirt during the drying process.
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