Apartment cleaning secrets that will keep your home sparkling clean even after a week

The word “cleaning” makes many people cringe, but if you systematize this matter, it turns out that everything is not so scary. A balanced cleaning plan for the week will help you keep your home in order and enjoy every day, informs Ukr.Media.

Monday: Let's start with cleanliness

First of all, start with the basics, which is the floor. Feeling a clean surface under your feet, further actions will be much easier to implement.

Vacuum all the rooms, not forgetting the far corners and hard-to-reach places, and then go through them with a mop.

If you've already tackled the surfaces, then at the same time wipe the shelves, window sills, and electrical appliances to remove dust.

If you're suffering from Cinderella syndrome, pat yourself on the back and stop – the work is done for today, otherwise you'll run out of steam.

Tuesday: bedroom and wardrobe

Change your bed linens, sort through your wardrobe, and put away unnecessary items: order in your wardrobe means order in your head.

If necessary, wipe surfaces and furniture with a damp cloth, then stop!

Wednesday: kitchen

Thoroughly wash the stove, kitchen set, surfaces and appliances. Check the expiration dates of products, remove excess, and wash the inside of the refrigerator if necessary.

Thursday: bath and toilet

Wipe down the sink and mirror, clean the bathtub or shower, thoroughly clean the toilet bowl — and that's it.

Friday: living room

Now it's the turn of the room, which guests pay attention to first of all.

Wipe down furniture, window sills, wash removable covers, blankets, and wipe down the TV and other gadgets with special products.

Saturday: beauty and light

Take care of the lighting fixtures: wipe down all the bulbs, wash the chandeliers, and light fixtures. After that, put the mirrors and windows in order, and you can also take care of the decorative elements.

If you have houseplants, take time to care for them today (prune, feed, water, repot, etc.).

Sunday: you can relax

Your apartment is practically in perfect order, and if necessary, you can do some light cleaning.

During this week, you will completely put your apartment in order, and all you have to do is maintain it, not deviating from the plan, and giving each area the necessary attention on a certain day.

The main thing is not to overload yourself and choose simple and quick tasks!

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