When the washing machine is the enemy: things that can't stand automatic washing and quickly lose their appearance

't stand automatic washing and quickly lose their appearance />

A quick machine wash is a convenient solution, but not for all items. Some materials simply cannot withstand automatic washing and after one unsuccessful attempt can lose their shape, stretch, or even deteriorate without a chance of recovery. To make your clothes last longer, it is important to know which items are best not to be trusted in the washing machine drum, informs Ukr.Media.

Woolen clothes – risk fitting a couple of sizes too big

A fluffy wool sweater after washing in a machine can turn into a tight children's pullover. Wool is very sensitive to temperature and mechanical stress. Even a delicate cycle does not always save – the fibers shrink, and the item decreases in size. The best way to care for it is to hand wash in cool water with a mild detergent.

Natural silk – turns into a stiff and dull rag

Silk fabrics are gentle and elegant, but they do not tolerate aggressive washing at all. After machine washing, the thin material can become dull, stiff and covered with stains. In addition, the structure of the fabric is destroyed, and silk loses its softness. The best option is hand washing in slightly warm water using special products.

Linen and lace – tears and loses shape

Your favorite bras, especially underwired models, as well as lace lingerie and nightgowns, can suffer greatly in the washing machine. The underwires in bras often deform or even pierce the fabric. And the thin lace inserts often tear and stretch. To extend the life of such items, it is better to wash them by hand or use a special laundry bag.

If you want your clothes to look like new for a long time, follow the care recommendations. After all, once an item is washed incorrectly, it may never return to its previous appearance.

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