How to easily and simply refresh curtains and drapes without removing them from the eaves
Every housewife knows that washing curtains, drapes and blinds takes a lot of effort and time. They need to be removed from the eaves, washed, ironed and hung back up. This can take a whole day if there are many windows in the house or apartment. Fortunately, there is a simple way to refresh textile window decor without removing it from the eaves, informs Ukr.Media.
The first step is to remove dust. This will require a vacuum cleaner and a special nozzle for furniture and clothing. If you don't have one, a damp cloth that you can wind around a pipe will do. It is recommended to vacuum at minimum power so that the curtains don't wrinkle and fall down along with the curtain rod.
Next, the textiles must be treated with a solution. To prepare it, you will need laundry soap and warm water. Soak a clean sponge in the soap solution and treat the fabric with it. It is not necessary to wet the curtains too much, as the water may drain onto the floor. After that, it is advisable to open the windows so that the moisture evaporates faster.
Use dishwashing liquid to remove grease stains. Apply it to the stain and leave it for half an hour, then wipe with a damp sponge to remove any remaining product. This method is suitable even for delicate fabrics.
A steam cleaner can also help clean window textiles. It refreshes the fabric and destroys pathogens and allergens. To avoid burning the material, the device must be held at a distance of 20 cm. Please note that this method is not suitable for velvet and delicate fabrics.
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