In which case will we hear an unpleasant smell for a long time, and in which case will it dissipate quickly?

The odors we perceive can persist on hair, clothing, and in rooms in different ways. Our sense of smell is activated when special sensory cells in the nose react to molecules in the air, informs Ukr.Media.

Different molecules are perceived differently: some evoke pleasant associations, others immediately. For example, tobacco smoke consists of thousands of chemicals and can be absorbed into textiles and furniture, forming so-called “thirdhand smoke” – residual compounds that persist even after airing and can be felt for a long time.

The unpleasant smell of wet dog fur is caused by microorganisms on the fur, which release special compounds when interacting with water.

The longevity of a scent depends on the volatility of the substance: the easier it evaporates, the faster we stop smelling it. The porosity of the materials is also important – fabrics and carpets trap molecules, allowing them to linger for a long time.

In addition, sensitivity to certain odors depends on the individual characteristics of our olfactory receptors.

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