How to make spiders leave the house: remember simple and effective methods
According to folk signs, spiders in the house are a sign of success, and cobwebs do not allow positive energy to leave the space. To believe in this or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, with the onset of cold weather, these arthropods seek shelter in human dwellings, and allowing your home to turn into a labyrinth of cobwebs is not the best decision, informs Ukr.Media.
It's still not worth getting rid of spiders by violent methods (after all, they destroy annoying flies and mosquitoes). You can get rid of uninvited guests peacefully.
It is worth remembering that spiders like dark and not very clean houses. If the humidity is high, then the conditions become ideal – because midges and mosquitoes are found here.
The first “weapon” against spiders is a general cleaning. Collect cobwebs, clean the dust in the corners. In the future, cleaning should be carried out on a schedule at least once a week.
Next, in the corners you can place products with a strong smell that spiders are afraid of: crushed chestnuts, hazelnuts, lemon. Baking soda or salt work well against spiders: they absorb moisture and dry the air. You can pour baking soda or salt in the corners or spray the corners with a solution of these products.
When washing the floor, regularly drip eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil into the water (5-10 drops per bucket of water). You can also add regular vinegar (2-3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). Spiders will not live in such a house and will find another place to live.
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