Popular household products that are useless — they definitely won't justify the money invested and take up a lot of space
These popular items definitely won't justify the money invested and will take up a lot of space in your home, Ukr.Media reports.
Saving space in the kitchen and pantry, as well as money for unforeseen purchases, can ensure order in your home and save you from unnecessary devices. Recently, more and more household goods have appeared in stores, but not all of them represent any value, despite marketing tricks. Some of them, on the contrary, make life more difficult.
Here are gadgets that are definitely not worth your money — spend it on something more useful or just nice.
Pizza knife
This knife is a sharp wheel that rides and cuts pizza into triangular pieces. It looks impressive, but it must be admitted that this thing will be used rarely and is unlikely to fit in a drawer with knives and forks. So is it worth taking up so much space with this unnecessary device if a regular knife will do just as well?
Salad dryer
This device spins the salad in a special container to dry it after washing. The disadvantage of this dryer is its size. In addition, a simple clean kitchen towel will cope with this task no worse. You can also use paper towels.
Garlic press
Most recipes call for chopped or minced garlic, not pressed, so you probably won't need this device. Also, most professional chefs don't use presses, using the flat side of a good knife or a mortar and pestle to crush the garlic.
Pasta making machine
You may love fresh, handmade pasta, but try to be honest with yourself about how often you will use such a machine.
Popcorn machine
You don't have to do the math to figure out how much popcorn you'll need to eat to make an expensive popcorn machine profitable. It's another disposable item that takes up a lot of space, when there are simpler solutions that get the same result. Save valuable cabinet space and buy microwave popcorn. For a movie theater-style experience, add some spice—paprika, curry powder, or an Italian spice blend are all good choices. Or you can make dark chocolate popcorn without oil—a great snack that won't compromise your figure.
Banana slicer
The banana slicer is shaped like a banana, rounded and curved, and with one push, it makes perfectly uniform slices. It would seem that this is so great. However, not all bananas are the same size. And why do you need perfectly symmetrical slices? You will definitely need a knife to cut any fruit.
Electric can opener
The downside of this device is its size: not every kitchen will accommodate such a device. In addition, it costs a lot. The manual opener that you keep in the toolbox will also cope with the task. However, an electronic analogue can be a salvation for those who suffer from arthritis or cannot cope with a regular opener for other reasons.
Compact vacuum bags
In theory, bags that help compress bulky clothes and bedding for long-term storage make a huge impression. In practice, they simply don't work half the time. Frustrated buyers are fielding a ton of complaints, including about bags that arrive with holes or awkward zippers, or that slowly start to take in air after being sealed. Even if the bags stay compressed, everything inside can turn into a wrinkled mess, and many items can be irreparably damaged. Storage experts recommend sticking to regular containers and treating your clothes with care.
Steam mop
Marketing ploys make steam mops look impressive in commercials, but in reality they don't do anything special to your floors. Also, not every surface is suitable for high temperatures. Remember that some flooring manufacturers even void the warranty if you use a steam mop. So why buy a device that can't be used everywhere? A regular mop will do just as well, and it costs many times less.
Workout gadgets
Do you think you will do kickboxing more often if you buy virtual reality glasses? Are you thinking about buying a cycling trainer? Before spending a huge amount and buying a thing that will take up so much space in your house, soberly assess how much it motivates you to do sports more often. And whether you want to do it at home in the future, if you can’t call your successes outstanding now. Perhaps it is worth spending the prepared money on the services of a trainer and a nutritionist, and if you have enough discipline, then dumbbells and expanders will be enough.
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