When can you wash socks and underwear together, and when separately?
It turns out that there are so many questions and disputes around the topic of how to wash socks and underwear, together or separately. Let's figure it out together, informs Ukr.Media.
- First, we select a washing mode of 60°.
Why? Most bacteria and germs are killed at 60 degrees. If your lace panties can't be washed at that temperature, wash them by hand. A bar of laundry soap is enough. Wash in the sink and hang them up immediately.
- Secondly, modern powders do an excellent job of fighting bacteria, and as a result we get clean laundry. Which means that you can wash them together after all!
- Thirdly, let us recall that in reality, the bacteria that live on the body and mucous membranes of a healthy person are safe and harmless. And the body's encounter with a variety of bacteria is a prevention of, for example, allergies.
If most of your socks are white, you can wash them with your bed linen. Choose a 60 degree setting and everything will be fine.
In which cases should you wash separately:
- If someone in the house has a fungal or infectious disease. Then store and wash linen and clothes separately. After starting the wash, do not forget to wash your hands.
- It is recommended to wash children's clothes separately from adults.
- when washing colored and white laundry to preserve its appearance.
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