A simple remedy that will remove stains from tea and coffee cups in minutes

Don't rush to throw away your favorite mug that's covered in dark stains. You can still give it a second life by using folk methods. There won't be a trace of the stains left, and you won't spend a lot of time on it, informs Ukr.Media.

Of course, you can resort to the help of a good old “friend” – soda. But it will most likely not cope with old plaque. In addition, it is better not to let it get close to porcelain and ceramic dishes. You will suffer with citric acid for a long time, and you will never see the result.

Toothpaste is the best way to do this. Apply it to the walls with a toothbrush and wait. The plaque will literally melt before your eyes. But if this method doesn't help, it's time to use the “heavy artillery.” You'll need some laundry bleach. Add a few drops to a cup filled with boiling water. And in the morning it will shine like new.

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