My gold is always as good as new: always shiny and clean. I'll show you how to clean everything with a simple remedy.
I wear them almost always and take them off very rarely. From constant wearing, gold loses its shine. It becomes dull, informs Ukr.Media.
The more complex the piece is and the more bends or indentations it has, the more it gets dirty. I used to take all my gold jewelry to a jeweler for cleaning every six months. But now I clean it myself.
It turns out that it's very simple, even at home. No special tools or devices are required.
To prepare the solution, you will need half a glass of clean cold water and “Ammonia” (also known as ammonia). Add one teaspoon of ammonia to a glass of water. Be careful with ammonia. Do not bring it close to your face. This pharmacy product has a very pungent odor.
Next, dip all the gold jewelry into the resulting solution of water and ammonia. Leave them in the liquid for a couple of hours. During this time, all the dirt will soften and will be easy to clean.
Don't worry if your jewelry has stone inserts. This product will not damage either the precious metal or the stones. The only thing to note is that it is better not to clean amber jewelry in this way. Amber is very sensitive to external influences, and the stone can be damaged.
After the specified time, I take the jewelry out of the solution and clean it with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
I remove dirt from small recesses with a regular toothpick. When all dirt is completely removed, I rinse the jewelry with clean water and wipe it dry with paper towels.
To give the metal an extra shine, I polish the jewelry with a soft cloth at the end. Such cloths can be purchased at any optician's. They are used to wipe the glass in glasses.
I clean my jewelry like this once every three months. This is enough to keep them clean and shiny like new.
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