“Can be considered unnecessary and even useless”: Things it's time to stop doing around the house
The basics of housekeeping are passed down from generation to generation, and each parent tries to instill basic self-service skills in their child, Ukr.Media reports.
But in reality, those actions that many people have been doing for years can be considered unnecessary and even useless. If you stop doing them, the result will not change, but the time saved is better spent on more useful things.
Cleaning between tile joints
You don't need to waste time washing out the dirt in the joints between the tiles every time you clean them. After a few days, they will get dirty again and you will have to clean everything again.
It is better to cover the seams with a special sealant once a year, which will prevent the accumulation of dirt and allow you to forget about this activity forever.
Ironing of bed linen and towels
Many people have the habit of ironing bed linen, towels, and other textiles after they dry. But if you think about it, it's a useless and time-consuming task.
Towels lose their appearance immediately after use, and bed linen already smoothes out a little during use.
For example, curtains – yes, you can iron them before hanging them, but you need to take into account the characteristics of the fabric.
Transferring food to a smaller container
Very often, leftovers from large pots are transferred to containers or bowls to save space in the refrigerator. There is some sense in this, you can do this if the refrigerator is really full.
But on an ongoing basis, this action is not necessary, because you will have to wash two containers instead of one, wasting time and bothering with containers.
Drying dishes after washing
There is no point in wiping dishes for daily use every time after washing. The water can drain on its own, just place it on a special dish dryer or leave it on a towel by the sink.
Rubbing dishes can also be understood when it comes to receiving guests, when they need to be dried quickly and remove possible stains. To do this, you should choose a lint-free towel so that hairs do not remain on the dishes.
Rinsing dishes before the dishwasher
That's what a dishwasher is for, to wash dishes. There's no need to rinse plates and other utensils beforehand, it's an unnecessary step. It's enough to remove any food residue, if any.
Daily cleaning of the bathtub
It is necessary to clean the bathtub with chemicals as it becomes dirty. To keep it clean for as long as possible, you just need to teach all household members to rinse the bathtub after use.
The same goes for the sink, if someone has washed dirty hands or another object, let them rinse it after themselves, then the plumbing will stay clean longer.
Daily cleaning of the stove
After cooking, the stove often gets dirty because it can get splashed, something falls or leaks from the pan. Yes, it should be washed after itself, but it is not necessary to do this with chemicals, it is enough to simply wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
Special products can be used monthly, as aggressive chemicals negatively affect the coating.
Frequent floor washing
Many housewives are used to washing the floor almost every day, but, firstly, it is not necessary to do this, because dust simply will not have time to accumulate in such a short time, and secondly, many floor coverings do not tolerate such frequent wetting.
You can wash the floor on average once or twice a week, but if necessary, wipe it every other day. At other times, for example, every other day, it is enough to go over the floor with a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove debris.
Watching a dish being cooked
You don't have to stand over the pot and regularly skim the foam from the broth, because you can do it at the end of cooking. You can leave the food to cook and do other things at the same time.
Of course, the exception is those dishes that require constant stirring. By the way, a multicooker makes life much easier and saves time, you don't need to monitor it at all.
Such simple rules will help the hostess save time and spend it with benefit for herself and her family.
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