“Bathroom Hygiene”: How to Properly Care for a Toilet Brush

Many people prefer not to change their toilet brush for years. However, few people know that this can have health consequences. The microbes that have accumulated on it can cause the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, informs Ukr.Media.

Many people are very careful about the expiration date of food, for example, throwing away yogurt that has expired only a few days ago. Showering daily is a common practice, although it is not always a medical necessity. At the same time, household items such as toilet brushes are often used much longer than recommended for hygiene reasons. Without regular cleaning and replacement, they can accumulate bacteria, affecting the overall cleanliness of the bathroom.

How to clean and when to change a toilet brush?

It is recommended that toilet brushes be replaced every 6-12 months, or more frequently if they appear worn, damaged, or difficult to clean. With each use, germs and bacteria accumulate on the brush, which can remain on the surface and spread throughout the toilet. This creates a risk of harmful microorganisms multiplying and reduces the level of hygiene in the bathroom. Regular replacement and thorough cleaning of the brush helps maintain cleanliness and reduces the likelihood of bacteria spreading.

There are a few tricks you can use to extend the life of your toilet brush. All you need is a toilet cleaner. Fill the brush holder with a 1:1 ratio of water and chemical liquid and let the brush soak in it for about an hour.

Home remedies

But there are alternatives to regular toilet cleaners that can be used to clean the brush. It is also recommended to use a stain remover. Vinegar is also considered a good means of removing limescale and is especially suitable for those who want to do without chemicals. The same goes for lemon juice.

Vinegar is the best of the home remedies. Its acid also acts as a disinfectant. In addition, this cleaning method has another advantage: it also removes plaque from the toilet bowl. This will also save you the extra work of additional cleaning.

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