How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of a feather pillow: washing and care from A to Z

How to get rid of the unpleasant smell of a feather pillow is a problem that lovers of soft and fluffy bedding have to solve. Down and feather pillows provide comfortable rest and sleep, but after some time of use, the owner begins to feel a specific smell, which is quite difficult to deal with, informs Ukr.Media.

Why do feather pillows smell?

  • Natural materials are able to absorb scents in the air, as well as human sweat. As various substances and sweat accumulate, bedding begins to “smell” so much that it becomes impossible to sleep on it.
  • Feathers and down absorb moisture well, which over time causes them to rot and mold.
  • A person who lies down leaves waste products on the bed – tears, fat, hair, saliva, skin particles – all of which are a breeding ground for feather mites. These tiny insects can be the cause of a stinky pillow.
  • Improper care. Ideally, feather and down pillows should be hung out in the hot sun regularly (once every few weeks) in the summer, which will help remove odors and stop the vital activity of microbes.
  • Violation of the manufacturing process of feather products – an unscrupulous manufacturer did not disinfect and dry the feather well enough. As a result, a terrible smell hits the buyer as soon as he opens the package with new sleeping accessories. It is best to immediately return the poor-quality product to the store.

How to deal with the smell of a feather pillow

If your bedding smells, the first thing to do is hang it in the sun. If the scent hasn't dissipated by evening, you'll need to wash the pillow.

Washing stages:

  • the napernik is lightly repelled;
  • the feather is carefully placed in small cloth bags;
  • the contents of the bags are degreased, for which a small amount of dishwashing detergent is poured into the tray;
  • set the mode to +30 degrees and triple rinse;
  • add oxygen bleach or a detergent for washing feather products, wash the bags with the contents again;
  • if the smell was too strong, then the washing is carried out a third time, but using powder and conditioner;
  • It is advisable to use double-triple rinsing twice;
  • push-ups – at high speeds;
  • Bags of feathers are hung outdoors, in the sun, for several days.

If washing did not help get rid of the unpleasant odor, you can remove it with baking soda:

  • place the bags with feathers in the drum of the machine and pour in soda ash, wash and rinse;
  • after completion, the bags are soaked in a solution – a tablespoon of ammonia per 10 liters of water, which will remove the stickiness of the feather that appeared after washing with soda;
  • the bags are placed back in the machine, the triple rinse mode is selected, and the machine is spun at high speed;
  • The products are hung out to dry for several days.

Useful tips

  • If the pillow is small, you can wash it directly in the pillowcase instead of putting the feather in the bags.
  • When washing feather pillows, always use a delicate cycle, otherwise the feather may shrink.
  • If the pillow is dried in the machine, you need to put a few tennis balls in the drum, which will help knock down the feather and make it fluffy.
  • Feather bedding should be washed at least once every six months to maintain its freshness and prevent unpleasant odors.
  • Chlorine bleach should not be used when washing as it will damage the feather.

An effective solution to the problem of how to get rid of the smell of a feather pillow is to use dry cleaning services, but you need to remember that the price of such a service corresponds to the cost of a new product.

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