Pand finalises security agreement with Ukraine – Tusk
Pish Prime Minister Donald Tusk td Pish journalists in Brussels on Thursday before a meeting of the Eurean Council, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.
"We are finalising the preparation of a security agreement with Ukraine," Tusk said.
The head of the Pish government noted that before the Eurean Council meeting, he also had an important meeting with President of Ukraine Vodymyr Zelensky regarding bilateral Pish-Ukrainian relations.
According to him, today is "a very important day for both Pand and Ukraine".
Tusk stressed that he had made every effort to ensure that the EU adted a picy of new priorities in terms of security, the fight against illegal migration, and the protection of the EU's external borders with Russia and Belarus by investing in their strengthening. In his inion, this will enhance the security of the Pish border and allow for effective counteraction to illegal migration on the border with Belarus.
Tusk emphasised that the EU has undertaken the commitments discussed recently in the security agreement with Ukraine. In his inion, these "commitments have an important symbic meaning".
When asked whether these EU commitments to Ukraine are not too weak, Tusk stressed that "if they were weak and did not matter much, then President Zelensky would not have come today to personally participate in this celebration".
Read also: Ukraine signs security agreements with Lithuania and Estonia
He noted that more can always be expected, but there is no need to complain, as the EU has made significant progress in supporting Ukraine in recent years.
As reported, today in Brussels, Ukraine and the EU signed a bilateral agreement on security coeration.