Latest news for today in Ukraine
Latest news for today in Ukraine
Professor of cell biology Frank Grosveld (71) keeps his cool: “I am too old to jump on a table,” Erasmus Magazine reports.
Since Thursday evening, the article by a team of ten scientists, of which Grosveld is a member, has been online on BioRxiv – a website where biologists can publish their research before it will be assessed by the prestigious journal Nature. In the summary, the scientists describe an antibody to SARS2, the coronavirus causing the current pandemic (COVID-19). The antibody can help detect and prevent this type of corona infection. It is a world’s first.
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The antibody still has to be tested on humans (and this will take months) and the article is under peer review before Nature will publish it. But Grosveld is hopeful: “We expect an email any moment.” says the Spinoza Prize winner in his lab on the tenth floor.