Currency exchange rates in Ukraine on March 20, 2025: how much is the dollar and euro worth?

Today, March 20, the dollar and euro exchange rate from the National Bank remains stable. There is no currency deficit in the country, so Ukrainians can buy or sell dollars and euros at exchange offices or some banks.

Vgorode will tell you about the current price of foreign currencies in Ukraine.

NBU dollar exchange rate

According to the National Bank's exchange rate, the dollar exchange rate today is 41.27 hryvnias per 1 dollar.

NBU euro exchange rate

According to the National Bank's exchange rate, the euro exchange rate today is 45 hryvnias for 1 euro.

Currency exchange rates in exchangers

Dollars are bought at exchange offices on average for 41.50 hryvnias and sold at 41.60 hryvnias. Euros are bought at exchange offices for 45.25 hryvnias and sold for 45.47 hryvnias.

Currency exchange rates in Kyiv

In the capital's exchange offices, the dollar is being bought today for 41.50 hryvnias and sold for 41.60 hryvnias. The euro is being bought in the capital for 45.30 hryvnias and sold for 45.49 hryvnias.

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