Burning dry grass: what fines threaten Ukrainians
In the Kyiv region, with the onset of the cleaning season, residents are increasingly burning dry grass and leaves in their yards. However, environmentalists emphasize that such actions not only harm people's health, but also negatively affect the environment.
Such actions are a violation of the law, which provides for administrative liability, the Department of Environmental Protection and Climate Change Adaptation of the Kyiv City State Administration reported.
– Every spring, we encounter cases of burning dry grass and leaves. Some mistakenly believe that this helps improve soil fertility. In fact, burning leads to the destruction of soil cover, the destruction of soil-forming organisms and beneficial insects, and the deterioration of the natural balance of ecosystems. In addition, it is dangerous to health, since as a result of inhaling smoke, dust, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals, dioxins, carcinogenic benzopyrene compounds, and carbon monoxide enter the body. There is also a high risk of uncontrolled fire spread, which is especially dangerous in conditions of martial law, – said the director of the department, Oleksandr Vozny.
He noted that to avoid harm to nature and one's own health, it is worth using environmentally safe methods of disposing of plant residues, such as composting or mulching.
We remind you that, according to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, unauthorized burning of vegetation or its remains is punishable by a fine of UAH 3,060 to UAH 21,420. And for the same actions committed within the territories and objects of the nature reserve fund, a fine of UAH 6,120 to UAH 30,600 may be imposed.
At the same time, the destruction or damage of flora objects entails a fine of UAH 91,800 to UAH 153,000 or imprisonment for up to five years. In addition, according to Article 113 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, arson can be considered sabotage. And in conditions of martial law, this can entail imprisonment for 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property.
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