Why does the water in some areas of Kyiv smell like fish: an explanation from Kyivvodokanal

In Kyiv, situations often arise when tap water has an unusual smell. Recently, residents have been complaining about a fishy or earthy smell in the water. Kyivvodokanal explained that this is a seasonal phenomenon associated with the active growth of diatom algae.

The cause of the specific odor

Diatoms reproduce especially actively in spring and autumn, when conditions are favorable for their development: warm temperatures and high insolation (sunlight). They secrete organic substances that give the water a characteristic odor.

How does this affect water quality?

Experts from Kyivvodokanal emphasize that the smell does not affect the safety of drinking water. It meets all sanitary standards. Consumers are advised to settle water or boil it before drinking to reduce the stench.

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