Enemy drs bomb on Kurakhove and shells Druzhkivka, one killed and two injured

In the Donetsk region, the enemy drped a guided bomb on Kurakhove, killing one person and injuring another. A resident was injured in Druzhkivka during the shelling.

This was reported by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin on Facebook, Ukrinform reports.

"One person was killed and one injured due to the strike on Kurakhove. The Russians drped a guided aerial bomb on the town, killing a 62-year-d man and damaging an infrastructure facility. In addition, Druzhkivka came under fire, with one injured person and a damaged facility," the head of the region wrote.

Read also: Russian tros fire 2,783 times in Donetsk region over past day

He again called on all residents of the Donetsk region to evacuate to safer regions.

As reported, in the morning of June 24, the Russian army shelled the city of Toretsk in the Donetsk region, killing one person and injuring another.

Source: ukrinform.net

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