Put a cotton pad on a bottle of oil and enjoy the result: here's why you need to do it

Many housewives in the kitchen face a common problem when using a bottle with vegetable oil. When we pour the oil into a frying pan or a salad bowl, part of the product remains on the neck and gradually drains. Over time, the label becomes oily – it is not very pleasant to hold such a greasy bottle in your hands, informs Ukr.Media.

We'll show you how to easily solve this problem without much effort. A regular cotton pad or piece of tissue will help with this.

Fold the cotton pad in half and make a cut in the middle. Then fold the pad again and also make a cut. You will get a crisscross cut, the size of which should match the size of the neck of the bottle with oil.

After that, we put the disc on the bottle. This way, the disc will not allow oil to flow down the outer walls of the bottle during its use. It will always be clean. You can change the cotton disc as needed.

Instead of a disk, you can use a paper napkin. Fold the napkin into a strip 1.5 cm wide and about 15 cm long. Then secure the strip to the neck of the bottle in the form of a tie.

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