How to clean and wash Birkenstocks so they are like new?
Birkenstocks are comfortable and stylish shoes made from quality materials. However, over time, they can become dirty, especially if worn daily. To keep your Birkenstocks looking fresh and extending their lifespan, you should know the correct cleaning methods depending on the material, informs Ukr.Media.
Cleaning your Birkenstocks doesn't take much time, but it helps to keep them looking neat and comfortable. By following these tips, you can keep your favorite shoes clean, fresh, and almost new, even after a long time of use!
The main components that distinguish Birkenstock shoes from other types are the cork sole and straps made of thick leather or softer suede. These materials are valued for their durability, but still require care to look good for many years.
General recommendations
Before you start cleaning, you should consider a few basic tips:
Do not soak your shoes in water—this can damage the cork sole and make leather or suede straps rough.
Use soft brushes and non-abrasive cleaning products.
Clean regularly to prevent dirt from accumulating.
How to clean different parts of Birkenstock?
Cleaning insoles
Birkenstock insoles are made of leather or suede and can absorb sweat and dirt. Here's how to clean them:
Baking soda and water: Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a small amount of water to form a paste, apply to the insole and scrub with a soft brush.
Vinegar and water: Mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio, dampen a cloth, and gently wipe the insole.
If there are stubborn stains on the insoles, mix a little saddle soap with water and rub gently.
You can also use a mild shampoo or soap – apply it to the insole and rub it with a soft brush in a circular motion. Wipe with a damp cloth.
Suede-specific products: If the insole is suede, use a rubber brush or suede eraser.
Cleaning cork soles
The cork base of Birkenstocks can crack or lose its appearance over time. To avoid this:
Wipe the sole with a damp cloth, avoiding excessive moisture.
Use special cork sealants. This will help maintain the strength of the cork and protect it from excessive wear.
Cleaning straps depending on the material
Leather straps
For Birkenstocks with leather straps, apply a small amount of leather shampoo or saddle soap to a soft cloth and rub gently in a circular motion. Wipe off excess soap and water with a clean microfiber cloth and let the straps air dry away from direct heat. You can also use a damp cloth for minor stains.
To maintain flexibility and prevent dry cracks, use a leather conditioner after cleaning.
Avoid getting too much water in the leather to prevent it from losing its shape.
Suede straps
Clean with a dry brush or a special rubber eraser.
Avoid using water directly on suede as this can cause stains or stiffness. After cleaning, apply a suede conditioner to help the straps retain the softness and texture of clean suede.
If the suede has lost its color, restore it using a special suede paint of the desired color.
Fabric straps
Soak in warm water with mild soap, then scrub gently.
Dry well before use.
How to eliminate unpleasant odor
Use baking soda: sprinkle some baking soda on the insole, leave it overnight, and shake it out in the morning.
Spray a weak vinegar solution or shoe antiseptic.
If any odor remains after cleaning, try placing your Birkenstocks in a sealed plastic bag and leaving them in the freezer for up to 48 hours to kill mold and bacteria.
Drying and care
Never dry in direct sunlight or near heating appliances to avoid deformation of the shoes.
Let the shoes dry naturally in a well-ventilated area.
Regularly care for your Birkenstocks to keep them looking like new for years to come.
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