Experts told why you shouldn't boil a full kettle

The use of LED light bulbs and a smart approach to the operation of household appliances, especially if they are of decent quality, will allow you to significantly save on electricity bills. This was reported by energy experts, Ukr.Media reports.

There will be no significant effect from turning off the lights, because they consume very little. As for kettles and all heating devices, you can save quite seriously. You heat a liter, but you need a glass. You have wasted energy resources, the water cools down, the electricity goes nowhere, scientists explained.

According to their calculations, all heating devices (from kettles to electrolyzers and stoves) use a large amount of electricity, but if used correctly, you can reduce your electricity costs. For this purpose, experts advise not to boil a full kettle of water. They advise heating a glass of water instead of a liter, because it is the rest of the water that cools down, and the electricity goes nowhere.

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