At what temperature can you wash anything?

Almost every washing machine has at least a dozen programs and several temperature settings. But only one of them is suitable for all things. This simple life hack will allow you to save money and use your favorite things longer, informs Ukr.Media.

Each material has different heat resistance.

Here is what temperature different fabrics can withstand:

  • thick cotton – up to 95°;
  • cotton – up to 60°;
  • synthetics – from 30° to 50°;
  • silk – up to 30°;
  • cambric, poplin and bamboo – up to 40°.

As experts note, a temperature of 30° is suitable for all the listed types of fabrics. It is a mistake to think that stains cannot be washed off in such water. The fact is that now the quality of washing depends more on the chosen detergent than on how hot the water is. Most modern powders cope with dirt even at low temperatures, and for this it is not at all necessary to bring the machine to the maximum 95°. It is even harmful for cotton: hot water causes severe shrinkage and the fabric wears out quickly.

Thanks to washing machines, which are found in every home, T-shirts and shirts are immediately sent to the laundry basket. Stains that are embedded in the fabric and require a long wash are now rare, and for others, just warm water is enough.

Another argument for 95° is the disinfection of clothes, especially children's clothes. However, only boiling can do this, and at high temperatures the bacteria are simply washed off. 30° will be just as effective for this process.

Washing at 30°C saves a lot of energy. Even 10°C is enough to make your utility bills much lower. The low temperature will also help you use your clothes longer – they will wear out more slowly.

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