A great tool from a hardware store will help you clean an old frying pan to a shine.

Soviet frying pans, which cannot be cleaned with chemicals or boiling, can be easily cleaned to perfect condition with a simple and very affordable product from a hardware store. Updated, the frying pan will even serve children!

The product is called “Old Paint Remover”. It comes in different brands and at different prices. However, don't choose the cheapest one – it may not work or work poorly. Choose one at an average price. On average, a bottle costs about 80-100 rubles. One of them is enough for a large number of pans, Ukr.Media reports.

Place the cut bag on a work surface. You can work at home, as the “Remover” does not have an unpleasant odor. However, the house should be warm. Pour a little product, smooth it with a brush, especially along the sides and edges.

Turn the pan over, do the same on the back of the pan. Cover with a bag and leave. The holding time is from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It all depends on the degree of contamination of the pan. If it is very dirty, keep it under the bag for 50-60 minutes.

See how the product works: all the carbon deposits have become liquid, like paint.

Easily clean all dirt. Then wash under running water with regular dishwashing detergent.

Rate the result! The frying pan is like new. It will last a very long time!

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