Warsaw Security Forum to Discuss Ukraine's Experience

On May 21–22, Warsaw will host the Eure Civil Security forum on current security challenges, where Ukraine’s experience in countering Russian aggression will be discussed.

The event organizers reported this to Ukrinform.

“Global challenges require new approaches, and cooperation, support and international interaction are the main components of creating a secure future and a guarantee of our joint victory. Eure Civil Security is a chance for European countries to learn more about Ukraine's unique experience and jointly develop effective methods of responding to modern threats,” the organizers noted.

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The forum will include panel discussions on civil defense, fire safety, monitoring and warning systems, emergency response, and the role of international foundations and public associations in implementing community-level security projects. Successful examples of security projects implemented in Ukraine will also be considered.

The event is organised by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in cooperation with the All-Ukrainian Association of Local Governments “Association of United Territorial Communities” within the framework of a project implemented with the support of the European Commission within the framework of the European Civil Protection Mechanism (ECPM). The forum will be held with the participation of civil protection services of the EU Member States, the Association of Local Governments of the EU, international donors and partners.

The event will take place at the Warsaw EXPO XXI Exhibition Centre with financial support from the EU.

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