He called for the destruction of Ukrainians: SBU has declared suspicion against former “cadet” Boris Korchevnikov

The SBU has in absentia notified Russian actor and host of the Rossiya-1 TV channel Boris Korchevnikov of suspicion of justifying Russian aggression, encroaching on territorial integrity, and illegally crossing the state border of Ukraine.

As reported by the SBU, Boris Korchevnikov once became famous thanks to the TV series “Kadets”, and currently heads the pro-Kremlin TV channel “The First Public Orthodox TV Channel “SPAS”.

“This platform is one of the Kremlin's mouthpieces, which spreads propaganda primarily to the domestic audience of the aggressor country,” the report says.

The SBU noted that Korchevnikov also part-time hosts television projects on the central channels of the Russian Federation, in particular “Russia-1”.

Law enforcement officers documented that Korchevnikov repeatedly justified the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and the war crimes of the occupiers on air. In addition, he publicly called for the seizure of the entire territory of Ukraine and the physical destruction of Ukrainians.

In addition, the person in question travels to temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine, where he speaks in support of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, the SBU added. Law enforcement officers documented how Korchevnikov repeatedly crossed the Ukrainian border outside checkpoints during 2022-2023.

Based on the collected evidence, SBU investigators informed Korchevnikov in absentia of suspicion under three articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • Part 2 of Article 110 (encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine);
  • Part 3 of Article 436-2 (justification, recognition as lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants, committed with the use of mass media);
  • Part 2 of Article 332-2 (illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine).

“Since the perpetrator is hiding in Russia, comprehensive measures are underway to bring him to justice for crimes against Ukraine,” the SBU added.

We will remind, in early March, the SBU in absentia notified Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin of suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, propagating war, and justifying the aggression of the Russian Federation. As well as Russian singer Grigory Leps.

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