Latest news for today in Ukraine
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has announced a broad discussion of the National Economic Strategy 2030 from January 22 to February 10 this year.
"From January 22 to February 10, the Cabinet of Ministers will hold a broad discussion of the National Economic Strategy 2030, which is being developed by a working group of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the platform of the Center for Economic Recovery," the government's press service said.
It is said that during the public events with participation of representatives of the government, the Verkhovna Rada and the President's Office, key ideas of the Strategy will be presented and ways to implement it will be discussed. The key goal of the event is to develop and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers a draft decision of the government on economic policy formation until 2030, to discuss priority activities in the Government Action Plan for 2021-2023 and a list of priority laws to be adopted by the Council over the next three years.
Topics of discussion during the planned meetings: investment attractiveness, capital markets and macroeconomic stability; support for the creative and hospitality industries; business culture development and regulatory policy; development of the energy sector, mining industries and effective environmental protection; industry, transport and infrastructure; international economic policy and trade (Export Credit Agency) Digital Economy and Information and Computer Technologies; management of state and communal property; reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; agricultural sector development.
"The national economic strategy is the main vectors on which Ukraine's economy will develop in the next ten years: incentives for industry, agriculture, mining, IT and R&D, infrastructure and domestic transport, energy sector. The process of creating NES-2030 was unprecedentedly open and transparent. About 400 specialists from various fields worked on the document – both business and well-known think tanks, non-governmental organizations, government agencies," the statement said.