Hidden possibilities of pads and tampons that will help in various situations at home and in nature

The words “pads” and “tampons” have long ceased to terrify the stronger sex. On the contrary, carrying hygiene products with you is recommended for all people, especially if unforeseen circumstances may await you, informs Ukr.Media.

What are the benefits of pads and tampons and how can they be used for their indirect purpose?

Life hacks with pads

The main property of pads is moisture absorption.

Protecting clothes from sweat

The gasket will help avoid confusion.

Excessive sweating causes a lot of inconvenience and leaves unpleasant marks on clothes. If deodorant does not work, you can use special hygienic underarm pads. However, you can not buy such products everywhere, and they are not cheap. As an analogue, use thin daily pads. Glue the personal hygiene product inside the clothes in the armpit area. This way you can avoid uncomfortable situations, since the sweat will be absorbed into the hygiene product, and not into the clothes.

Matting napkin

You can get rid of oily shine with a pad.

If your face gets oily during the day and you don't have a mattifying wipe at hand, use a pad. A sterile hygiene product will effectively absorb all excess secretions. We do not recommend using powder, as the cosmetic will not remove the oily sheen, but will only clog the pores.

Shoe insoles

In sports shoes, your feet sweat quite a lot.

The main purpose of hygiene products is to absorb moisture. That is why pads can be used as insoles if your feet sweat or you are going fishing. The product will not allow your feet to get wet and cold. Change the pads as needed so that your shoes are always dry. Personal hygiene products also help reduce sweating and slipping of the feet. This trick is especially relevant for women who like to wear high-heeled shoes.

Wound dressing

Use the gasket in a similar manner.

A regular pad can replace a number of medical supplies. Including stopping bleeding and protecting the wound from infection. The pad will absorb excess blood while you look for the necessary medications.

Perfect makeup

Falling shadows won't ruin your makeup.

Women know how much trouble falling eyeshadow can cause. To avoid ruining your makeup before it's finished, use hygiene products instead of patches. Cut a thin daily pad in half and stick it under your eyes. Now you can't be afraid to apply eyeshadow, because all the excess will fall off onto the “liner”.

Alternative to cotton pads

Use pads instead of sponges.

To remove makeup, you can use not only cotton pads, but also hygiene products. Apply micellar water to the pad and gently cleanse the skin. Using the same principle, you can remove old nail polish or perform other procedures.

“Slippers” after pedicure

Improvised slippers made of gaskets.

Have you had a pedicure and don't want to wait for it to dry completely? To avoid damaging your fresh polish, use pads instead of slippers. Simply stick them on your soles and walk around the house until the polish on your feet dries.

Life hacks with tampons

Tampons can replace many medical devices.

Stopping bleeding

In 15-20 minutes, a tampon will help stop the bleeding.

A sanitary pad will help stop the bleeding. It is most often used for nosebleeds, but it will also be useful for bullet wounds and knocked out teeth. It is enough to leave the sanitary pad on for 15-20 minutes.

Absorbent bandage

The inside of the tampon is made of cotton.

Another medical trick that works for large wounds: Spray a tampon and use it as a dressing instead of cotton wool and bandages.

A moment of peace

Tampons can replace earplugs.

Is your spouse or neighbor's loud snoring preventing you from falling asleep while traveling? Earplugs will help! And if you don't have them, you can use regular earplugs. They are quite dense and absorb extraneous sounds well. You will sleep like a baby.


It is quite easy to brush your teeth with a swab.

Each of us has at least once spent the night at home. It happened at the most unexpected moment, so the toothbrush was definitely not with us. However, in the morning we really want to freshen up. Traditionally, our fingers are used, but there is a more effective replacement for them – a tampon. Just apply toothpaste to its longitudinal part and carry out the necessary manipulations.

Small curls

You can even get addicted to tampons.

If you don't have any suitable tools for curling your hair, but you really want to, use tampons. One pack is enough to create a chic hairstyle with small curls.

A bonfire of friendship

The cotton in tampons ignites quickly.

In addition to pads, you can also use tampons to start a fire. Sanitary napkins are made of cotton, so they will perfectly replace the missing chips. You need to thoroughly clean the tampons and light the fire. For greater efficiency, you can add a little petroleum jelly.

Water filter

The tampon will help filter the water.

An unexpected life hack that will be useful to all hiking enthusiasts. You can use a tampon to purify water. Take a bottle, cut off the bottom, and punch a small hole in the lid. Place the sprayed hygiene product in the neck and screw on the lid. Then turn the bottle upside down and pour water. Passing through the tampon, the liquid will be filtered for small impurities. However, be sure to boil the water before drinking.

Matchbox protection

In a tampon package, the matches will be reliably protected from moisture.

Another trick for hikers: To protect matches from moisture, hide them in a tampon or with your toiletries.

Home aromatherapy

You can vacuum and fill your home with your favorite scent at the same time.

While cleaning, you can not only clean the rooms, but also fill them with a pleasant aroma. Take a swab and soak it with your favorite aroma. Put the hygiene product in the air outlet of the vacuum cleaner. In this way, while vacuuming the house, you will fill it with a pleasant aroma at the same time.

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