Folk remedies that can easily and quickly clean tiles from limescale

Hard water, soap and high humidity leave a white coating on the tiles. Over time, it becomes dense, difficult to remove and spoils the appearance of the bathroom. Conventional cleaning products do not always cope. For quick and effective removal of plaque, use proven formulations, informs Ukr.Media.

Home cleaning methods

Vinegar dissolves mineral deposits and disinfects the surface.

A 9% vinegar solution is applied to the tile, left for 10 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Citric acid breaks down plaque and adds shine.

Dissolve 20 g of powder in 200 ml of water, treat the tile, and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Baking soda copes with old stains.

A thick paste of baking soda and water is applied to the contaminated areas, cleaned with a sponge after 10 minutes, and rinsed off.

Ammonia dissolves limescale.

Dilute 50 ml of alcohol in a liter of water, treat the tiles, and rinse after 5 minutes.

How to prevent plaque from forming

After showering, wipe the tiles dry to avoid moisture accumulation.

Once a week, treat with vinegar or citric acid.

Regular maintenance keeps the surface clean and prevents persistent dirt.

Limescale is easy to remove if you use acids, alkalis or alcohol-containing solutions.

Home remedies work just as well as store-bought ones, but they take time to take effect.

Preventive treatment helps avoid the accumulation of deposits and simplifies tile care.

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