“Three functions I didn't know about”: Why do scissors need teeth between the handles?

Kitchen scissors are a common tool used for a variety of tasks. However, few people think about all the possibilities hidden in their design, in particular, in the teeth between the handles, informs Ukr.Media.

We use them often and actively, and not only in the kitchen. We cut paper, fabric, flowers — anything.

Despite the fact that kitchen scissors are an absolute necessity at home, I never thought about the purpose of the teeth between the handles. Well, they are. Honestly, I thought it was just a decoration (or a distinctive sign). It turned out that the holes with the teeth have three specific functions.

A story with three unknowns

The other day, my wife was immersed in the Internet: reading the news, browsing social networks. Suddenly, she emerges from the World Wide Web and says with round eyes: “Imagine how wonderful! Bring me the scissors!”

I brought it, and she asked me a question: “Look, do you see cloves? Name three ways they can be used in the kitchen.”

The first thing that came to mind turned out to be the correct answer. It's the only function I guessed.

1. Chop walnuts. We tried. Yes, it works, but the result is not 100%.

2. I didn't guess the second way, although it suggests itself.

My wife often asks me to unscrew the caps on bottles: sauces, cola, mineral water. Some manufacturers screw them on very tightly. And if your hands are wet, it's easier to grab them with a towel so they don't slip. Well, the thread between the handles of scissors serves the same purpose. They clamped the cap and easily (very easily!) unscrewed it. Some craftsmen use pliers for such purposes.

3. Here I almost guessed! I expressed the version: It must have something to do with the fish.

That's right, but I couldn't develop the idea. It turns out that you can squeeze a fish tail between the teeth, and then the bream, pike, perch won't slip out when you're peeling the scales. Anyone who has ever peeled a fish knows how slippery it is, and how it tries to jump off the table.

When we tried it, the phrase immediately jumped out: This is brilliant! The fish doesn't slide on the board, and it's much easier to clean.

The method is also applicable for chicken: clamp the leg in the hole, and then disassembling the carcass will be much easier.

Live for a lifetime, learn for a lifetime.

It turns out that we know little even about some everyday things. Now we will use our scissors for these purposes as well.

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