How many times can you wear clothes before throwing them in the wash: expert opinion

Are you one of those who throws clothes into the washing machine after wearing them once? Or are you one of those who wears them until they start to smell bad or get stains? We've gathered the opinions of experts on how many days you can wear clothes without washing, Ukr.Media reports.

Laundry is an individual matter. Usually, its frequency depends… on the environment and traditions in the family, and not on any hygiene requirements. If you have been accustomed to washing clothes every other day since childhood, then you will most likely do the same.

Experts agree that how often you wash your clothes is largely a personal choice. Our views on clothing hygiene are largely social and cultural, dermatologists say.

However, habits acquired in the family home should not overshadow real needs. People who sweat more should wash their clothes more often. If the situation requires it, then even after each wearing. However, if someone does not have this problem and after taking off their clothes they do not smell unpleasant odors or see stains, they can put the clothes back in the wardrobe or wear them again the next day. Science does not prohibit this.

How often should you wash clothes?

Some experts warn against washing underwear and outerwear too infrequently. Even if they are not dirty, they should be refreshed from time to time to avoid skin problems and infections.

On the other hand, washing clothes too often can damage them. In addition, unnecessary washing leads to unnecessary waste of water and electricity, as well as the use of chemicals, which ultimately affects the environment. That's why it's important to know how often to freshen up your clothes.

Experts advise washing only the following wardrobe items after each use:

  • Shorts,
  • socks,
  • tights,
  • sports uniform,
  • swimsuits,
  • leggings,
  • clothes with visible stains.

But washing your pajamas once a week is enough, provided you wear underwear underneath and shower before bed. Otherwise, you will have to change them every day.

Outerwear should be washed once a month, as it doesn't come into direct contact with the skin. On the other hand, jeans and other clothing should be washed whenever they develop stains or an unpleasant odor.

How often should you wash your shoes?

Experts also recommend washing shoes at least once a month. You can put shoes or just the insoles in the washing machine. Thanks to this, we will avoid such an unpleasant disease as athlete's foot. Inside our shoes is an ideal environment for the fungus to multiply, because it is warm, moist and dark, dermatologists explained.

Before you throw your shoes in the washing machine, make sure they are machine washable. Remove any heavy soiling before washing. Then remove the laces and remove the insoles. It is best to wash your shoes in a laundry bag. Each shoe or sneaker should be in its own bag.

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