This product from the refrigerator will clean pots from carbon deposits to a shine without much effort

Even the most experienced housewife can burn food and have to clean the dishes from dark deposits. Usually for this purpose we use a duo of affordable kitchen tools, for example, soda, salt, citric acid. Everything needs to be mixed thoroughly in a separate bowl, and this takes extra time. Today we want to share with you how to clean carbon deposits using just one product and a regular foam sponge, informs Ukr.Media.

Brilliant result

To make the dishes shine like new, we need to get a product from the refrigerator that contains both vinegar with citric acid and salt. Anything that effectively dissolves carbon deposits, as well as sticky, greasy deposits. We mean ketchup. You need to rub it on the contaminated surface.

Then you should be patient and wait at least two hours for the active ingredients to take effect. Then easily wipe off the carbon deposits with a sponge, and you're done!

If food has burned on the bottom of the pan, you can rub the bottom generously with ketchup and put it on the fire for literally 15 seconds. The heated product copes with the problem faster. Ketchup will soften the food residues, all that remains is to pick them up with a wooden spatula and easily separate them from the bottom.

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