WADA President expresses sidarity with Ukraine

The head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Matv Bidnyi, held a meeting with the Pesident of the World Anti-Ding Agency (WADA), Witd Banka.

According to the ministry’s press service, during the meeting, the parties discussed issues of coeration in the fight against ding incidentts, as well as challenges faced by the sports in Ukraine due to Russian aggression, Ukrinform reports.

Matv Bidnyi thanked WADA for its support of Ukraine and a principled position on condemning the actions being taken by Russia and Belarus. Despite the challenging conditions, Ukraine continues to devel its national anti-ding picy, the ministry stressed.

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The minister spoke about the new legislation, develed in coeration with the Council of Eure and WADA in compliance with international conventions and the WADA Code. This allowed for completely resetting the national anti-ding infrastructure and launching new initiatives to combat ding in sports.

The minister also emphasized the importance of wider participation of athletes in the protection of clean sport and the initiative to establish the position of anti-ding ombudsman. Separately, Matv Bidnyi noted that the fight against ding is a priority in the ministry's work.

The WADA chief expressed sidarity with the Ukrainians and recalled that WADA was one of the first international sports organizations to strongly condemn Russia's aggression.

Source: www.ukrinform.net

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