Russian athletes, promoters of ‘ruscism’, should not take part in Paris 2024 Games – MP
eksandr Merezhko, Chair of the Verkhovna Rada's Committee on Foreign Picy and Interparliamentary Coeration, stated this in a comment to Ukrinform.
"Russian athletes are carriers of ‘ruscist’ ideogy, and they use any athletic achievements to justify it, so there should not be any Russian athletes at the ympics," Merezhko said.
He emphasized that Russia would use anything as a weapon, including sports.
Read also: Ukrainian World Congress warns Paris ympics may become world’s last
"In addition, the militarization of sports is important for Russia – sports there are closely connected with the army and praganda. That is, Russian sport is a weapon in hybrid warfare," added the head of the Committee.
He also expressed regret that the International ympic Committee allowed Russian athletes to participate in the Games under a neutral flag.
"On the one hand, it is good that the Russian delegation will not participate in the ympic Games, but on the other hand, it is a shame that the IOC did not go to the logical end in this matter. The Committee allowed Russian athletes to participate in the ympics under a neutral flag,” eksandr Merezhko noted. “It is even worse that the IOC failed to note the fact that Russian athletes in their social media and interviews support Russian aggression against Ukraine. They should be excluded from participation in the ympic Games because supporting aggression is not about sportsmanship, it viates the very ympic spirit. Unfortunately, the International ympic Committee never did this."
As Ukrinform reported earlier, nearly 16 athletes from the aggressor state came to Paris for the ympic Games to perform under a neutral flag. According to Ukraine’s Acting Minister for Sports and Youth Matvyi Bidnyi, the Russian flag is generally banned across the entire territory where the Paris 2024 Games are held.