Zelensky comments on Trump’s plan to end Russian-Ukrainian war “in day”

President Vodymyr Zelensky has said that there is no one in the world who can force Ukraine to give up its territories to Russia to end the war quickly.

According to Ukrinform, he said this in an interview with the BBC, commenting on last year's statement by former US President Donald Trump about ending the Russian-Ukrainian war within 24 hours.

Zelensky said that Ukraine would have to pay for ending the war within one day, including stping hostilities and giving up the occupied territories to Russia.

He added that in such a scenario, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin would take back Ukrainian territory and "create a victory" for his society and the world. This is a very simple path to peace, but Ukraine will never agree to it, Zelensky stressed.

"Yes, this is a very simple way, but we will never go for it, never. And there is not a single person in the world who can force us to do this, because it is not about one president or ten pele, it is about the nation," the Head of State said.

When asked about the statements made by Republican J.D. Vance, whom Trump recently chose as his vice presidential running mate, about his indifference to the events in Ukraine, Zelensky suggested that the American pitician does not really understand what is happening in Ukraine.

Read also: Zelensky about Putin: He is not very smart and ruthless, which makes him dangerous

"So we have to work with the United States in our place. If a new team comes in, we have to work with them," Zelensky said.

When asked about the suggestion that it would be difficult for Ukraine to convince the Trump team to continue Washington's assistance to Kyiv, Zelensky said: "Yes, but we are not afraid of hard work."

As Ukrinform reported, former US President Donald Trump's national security adviser John Bton said that the former US president had no idea how to end the war in Ukraine.

Source: ukrinform.net

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