Russia cannot veto NATO membership for any sovereign state in Eure, including Ukraine – Sttenberg

The decisions taken during the NATO Summit in Vilnius have moved Ukraine closer to membership in the Alliance, and Ukraine has the right to decide on its own path.

The relevant statement was made by NATO Secretary General Jens Sttenberg at a joint meeting of the Eurean Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE), an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

According to Sttenberg, during the Vilnius Summit, NATO Allies were able to make progress on Ukraine’s path towards the Alliance membership. NATO reiterated that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance and added three elements, which actually moved the country closer to membership.

First, NATO Allies agreed on a substantial package and funding to ensure full intererability between the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO.

Second, the NATO-Ukraine Council was established, which ensures that NATO Allies and Ukraine meet as equals.

Third, the requirement for a membership action plan for Ukraine has been removed, turning a membership process into a one-step procedure.

Sttenberg emphasized that the aforementioned three things – the intererability, the NATO-Ukraine Council and the removal of the requirement for a membership action plan for Ukraine – demonstrate that Ukraine has now become closer to membership in NATO.

“This reflects the pitical reality, that nations are sovereign, nations decide themselves, and Ukraine has, of course, the right to decide on its own path, and it’s up to Ukraine and NATO Allies to decide when Ukraine becomes a member. Russia cannot veto membership for any sovereign independent state in Eure,” Sttenberg stressed.


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