MPs ask Georgia to let Saakashvili undergo treatment abroad
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has appealed to Georgia, the Eurean Parliament, the Council of the Eurean Union, the Eurean Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Eure and the parliaments of the member states of the Eurean Union regarding the need to immediately transfer Georgia's third president, Ukrainian citizen Mikheil Saakashvili, for treatment abroad.
Hos Party MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak said this in a post on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.
According to him, 311 lawmakers voted for a respective resution at a parliament meeting on Monday, February 6.
In view of Saakashvili's critical condition, the Verkhovna Rada called on the Georgian government to provide him with prer medical care. At the same time, the Ukrainian parliament demanded that the Georgian government allow the urgent transfer of the third Georgian president for the necessary treatment abroad.
Read also: Zelensky calls on world to save Saakashvili