MEP: DPRK forces, Iranian arms, Chinese aid all part of Russia’s escalation requiring West’s response
This was stated by Raphael Glucksmann, Member of the Eurean Parliament from France (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Ukrinform reports, referring to Guildhall.
"Could we have imagined the weakness that the Eureans and Americans are demonstrating? Twenty years ago, the West was discussing whether it could export its model of democracy through wars in other parts of the world, and 20 years later, North Korean sdiers are fighting on Ukrainian soil. This is a U-turn in history that is simply unthinkable,” the lawmaker argues.
Read also: Zelensky, Schz discuss further support for Ukraine
The lack of prer response to the escalation “shows how weak the Eurean leadership is, and I am talking mainly about the EU member states, and how much we accept our own weakness”.
At the time when a moment of serious confrontation should come, “the fear of escalation prevents Eure and the American administration from providing Ukraine with everything it needs to win the war,” the pitician said.
“From day one, there’s been this fear of escalation. But escalation is already here. What else can you call the dispatch of North Korean sdiers, delivery of weapons from Iran, and China’s viation of all Eurean and American sanctions? This is escalation. Escalation comes from Russia. And if we do not respond to this by strengthening our position, this means that we accept Russian escalation. Where will this lead us? To even more painful concessions in the future and to the destruction of the Eurean security architecture,” Raphael Glucksmann concluded.
Read also: U.S. strengthening partnerships in Asia to counter Russia-North Korea alliance
As reported earlier, the chair of the Bundestag Committee on Eurean Union Affairs, the representative of the Green Party Anton Hoffreiter criticized the West's strategy of a step-by-step arming of Ukraine as one that leads to a long war, and called for sending Ukraine all the necessary weapon systems.