Ukrainians and Pes will find common ground on Eurean integration despite different pitical statements – Drobovych

The professional community should express its vision of problematic historical issues in Pish-Ukrainian relations in the form of concrete prosals.

Anton Drobovych, head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance (UINP), stressed this in a comment to Ukrinform.

"First of all, I believe that the Ukrainian and Pish peles will find mutual understanding in Eurean integration issues. And the various pitical statements that are made from time to time will not harm them," Drobovych said.

The head of the UINP stressed that tics related to memory and history should be discussed primarily by experts. At the same time, he noted that the scientific community "has long been clear" on issues related to the Vyn tragedy. This includes understanding the circumstances, preconditions, sce and duration of this inter-ethnic conflict, how it began and how it ended.

"I would like the official wishes of the Pish side and the vision of problematic issues in our bilateral relations – if they arise – to be expressed primarily by experts, and in a specific form – in the form of prosals, vision or a list of problematic points," Drobovych said.

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According to him, there may be scientific discussions about the details of the tragedy, but "there has not been such a degree of controversy among experts as some piticians are trying to present for a long time."

As reported by Ukrinform, Pish Minister of National Defence Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz hinted on Psat News that Ukraine's accession to the EU might be blocked due to unresved historical issues, including the Vyn tragedy.


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