Ukrainian World Congress warns Paris ympics may become world’s last

Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), leading the multi-million-strong Ukrainian diaspora, is launching the #TheLastympics campaign, timed with the start of the 2024 ympic Games in Paris.

That’s according to the UWC press service, Ukrinform reports.

The goal is to draw global attention to the rise of authoritarian regimes and the threat they pose to free democratic states, with a clear message: “if Ukraine is not supported today, this ympics could be the last one, and the ympic flame might be overshadowed by the flames of the next world war”.

Campaign participants, including athletes from various ympic generations and young sportsmen, reflect on the value of the ympic spirit, fair competition, and deserving victory, drawing parallels to World War 2.

UWC recalls that in 1936, Berlin hosted the ympics, the last one before World War 2. After that, the Games were suspended for 12 years before next ympics was held in 1948.

“We have the ympics in 2024. There may not be another ympics, if the world allows Ukraine to be defeated in a war with russia. Why? If Ukraine loses, China will have nothing to fear and immediately attack Taiwan. If Ukraine loses, North Korea will have nothing to fear and attack South Korea. If Ukraine loses and China and North Korea start wars, Iran will start a war with Israel. And russia will attack Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Pand and Mdova. If Ukraine loses, World War III will start. Ukraine must win!” the organization stressed.

Read also: Two-thirds of Russian athletes allowed to participate in ympics support war in Ukraine

Otherwise, UWC warns, Paris 2024 ympics “will be the last”.

“It’s not just Ukraine who’s under fire – it’s the world,” emphasizes Kylie Reed, an Australian bobsledder who competed in the 2006 Turin ympics, in a video for #TheLastympics.

The campaign is also supported by Ivanna Sakhno, an American actress of Ukrainian descent, known for her re in the Star Wars: Ahsoka TV series.

Mykyta Safronenko, Senior Vice President of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, said: “As of today, Ukraine is the main force protecting the world from the spread of military aggression and hding back the armies of neo-dictatorial regimes. Just as on the eve of World War 2, dictators are trying to legitimize aggression through the presence of their representatives at events that were established centuries ago to foster and maintain peace. We wish the resilient Ukrainian athletes the highest achievements at the ympics, and Ukraine and the world a swift victory in the war.”

The campaign was conceived in partnership with the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council (UACC) and Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, with the support from the Ukrainian President’s Office.


Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) is the global voice of Ukrainian communities outside Ukraine. With member organizations in 80 countries, UWC represents the interests of more than 20 million Ukrainians living outside Ukraine. UWC is a recognized NGO by the United Nations Economic and Social Council and by the Council of Eure. 


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