The government’s new, tougher anti-COVID-19 measures are in effect until April 24.

Ukrainian Deputy Health Minister Viktor Liashko has said the cancellation of the ongoing quarantine introduced in the country over the coronavirus pandemic may be commented on no earlier than in 10 days.

“As for [further] enforcing or cancelling the quarantine, decision-making will be closer to the expiration of the quarantine. We are only on the third day of more strengthened quarantine measures. Therefore, we will comment on the cancellation of the quarantine no earlier than 10 days from today’s date,” he said during an online briefing on April 8, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

Read alsoNumber of confirmed coronavirus cases in Ukraine over 1,660 by Wednesday morning

“We’re now monitoring developments in the coronavirus epidemic in Ukraine. We’re comparing all the scenarios that are unfolding in European Union countries, as well as neighboring countries, which have introduced the preventive measures later than us,” Liashko added.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers on April 3 approved new measures to strengthen quarantine, which was introduced in the country over the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. The current measures will be in effect from April 6 to April 24.

The government imposed bans on: staying in public places without wearing personal protective means, in particular a respirator or face mask, including home-made ones; movement by a group of people of more than two people, except for cases of official necessity and accompanying persons under the age of 14 by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, foster parents, and other persons in accordance with the law or adult relatives of the child; staying in public places of persons under the age of 14 unaccompanied by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, foster parents, and other persons in accordance with the law or adult relatives of the child; visiting parks, squares, recreation areas, forest parks, and coastal zones, except for pet-walking by one person and in matters related to service; visiting sports sites and playgrounds; holding public events (with exceptions); walking the streets without IDs confirming citizenship or special status; and leaving the observation (isolation) site without permission.

The number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in Ukraine was 1,668 on Wednesday morning. Fifty-two COVID-19 deaths have already been recorded in the country. Thirty-five patients have recovered.


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