Russia keeps imposing praganda, disinfo on residents of occupied areas – watchdog

In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the invaders continue to circulate praganda newspapers among employees of budget-fed institutions.

This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, Ukrinform saw.

"In the temporarily occupied territories, the enemy is intensifying measures to spread disinformation among the local pulation. All employees of ‘state’ institutions are td to get ‘newspapers’ created by the enemy in each of the captured districts," reports the Center.

The editorial boards of these newspapers consist of Russian journalists. Publications are distributed free of charge, but everyone getting them are td to sign upon receipt. These publications are also handed to locals on the streets.

Read also: Russia exploits attempt on Fico to play victim – British expert

"The articles have nothing to do with reality, and the newspapers themselves are in no demand among the locals, so they are distributed free of charge," the Center for National Resistance added, calling on residents to boycott such distribution and, if possible, to destroy these newspapers.

As Ukrinform reported earlier, the invaders turn down applications for monetary compensation to residents of the temporarily occupied areas of Luhansk region who repaired their war-affected homes on their own.


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