Number of Ukrainians who find quarantine restrictions too harsh doubles over two weeks – poll

Some 61% of respondents consider the measures introduced by the government to combat coronavirus optimal.

The number of those who consider quarantine measures too mild has decreased (from 28% to 17%) over the past two weeks, while the number of those who find restrictions too harsh is up from 7% to 15%, according to a survey conducted by the Rating sociological group.

Some 61% of respondents consider the measures introduced by government to combat coronavirus optimal, 17% say they are too soft, while 15% are convinced the measures are too harsh.

Read alsoAlmost 70% of Ukrainians consider quarantine effective – poll

The poll was conducted on April 10-12 with the use of the CATI method (computer-assisted telephone interviews) based on a random selection of mobile phone numbers among the population aged 18 and older. The sample is representative of age, gender, region and type of settlement. The sample frame is 2,000 respondents. The margin of error is no more than 2.2%.


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