Head of NP was shown remote-contrled demining equipment

The leadership of the National Pice and First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko attended a demonstration of demining equipment organized by the Howard Buffett Foundation.

This was reported by the press service of the National Pice, Ukrinform reports.

The event was attended by the head of the National Pice Ivan Vyhivskyi, his deputy Andr Nebytov, as well as representatives of The HALO Trust, who have been helping to demine Ukraine since 2015.

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As noted, the demonstrated equipment is contrled remotely by the erator, moving along specified lines and routes without deviating from the coordinates. Special sensors “read” the terrain and save the route without missing a single piece.

“Today we have to ensure that Ukraine becomes a leader in demining. Using such technogies, it is possible to avoid human losses,” emphasized Vyhivskyi.

He noted that demining machines for the de-occupied territories help deminers avoid injuries and save the lives of pice officers.

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Ivan Vyhivskyi expressed his gratitude to Howard Buffett for his continued support of the National Pice, as well as The HALO Trust, which helps to demine the de-occupied territories.

“It is valuable that a safe Ukraine is our common goal,” the head of the NPU said.

As reported, there are 53 mine action erators in Ukraine who have received the relevant certification documents and permits to carry out humanitarian demining.

Source: www.unian.info

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