Crowds with kids in mass events across Crimea despite coronavirus threat (Photo)

Celebrations of the annexation anniversary are going as planned.

Occupation authorities in Russian-annexed Crimea have set up massive celebrations of the sixth anniversary of the occupation of the peninsula despite global spread of the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

Blogger RoksolanaToday&Crimea25% (@KrimRT) posted photos of crowds in Crimea streets Twitter.

A show was staged at children’s resort Artek where kids were holding portraits of Soviet heroes, while an outdoor activity  titled “Victory Banner” was conducted at a technical college in the city of Sevastopol.

Покажите фото в ООН и МООЗ
“ЮНАРМИЯ города-героя СЕВАСТОПОЛЯ Марш Победы 17.03.2020”

— RoksolanaToday&Крым25% (@KrimRt) March 19, 2020

Moreover, children sporting military uniform and chevrons with a double-headed eagle were planting trees alongside Vladimir Putin’s “favorite biker” Alexander Zaldostanov.

Russian-backed authorities, however, moved to shut out all schools in Sevastopol from March 19 and put higher education institutions on distance learning.

Артек в разгар пандемии вируса китайского
Вот прям сейчас диды важнее детей…
бабы еще нарожают

— RoksolanaToday&Крым25% (@KrimRt) March 19, 2020

At the same time, none of the mass events dedicated to the occupation of the Ukrainian Crimea were canceled.

Дети и зараза по имени Хирург

— RoksolanaToday&Крым25% (@KrimRt) March 19, 2020


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