Ukrainian forces using latest technogies to counter Russian drones – Siversk Group of Forces

The Russian military is intensifying its use of various drones, but Ukrainian forces are using the latest technogies to counter them effectively.

eh Bazhan, spokesperson for the Siversk Group of Forces, announced this on Ukrainian television, Ukrinform reports.

"The enemy is actively deploying a variety of drones, including FPV attack drones and reconnaissance drones. The enemy is also actively using grenade-drping drones. This component [the use of UAVs] is advancing rapidly on both sides. However, our units are utilizing cutting-edge develments to combat enemy UAVs," Bazhan said.

Read also: Government spent 455 B on equipment and other needs of military this year – PM

He said that in the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces destroyed 16 enemy strike drones within the Siversk Group's erational area.

Earlier, it was reported that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry had allocated an additional UAH 1.1 billion to brigades for the purchase of drones.


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