Ukraine’s interior minister visits border communities in Sumy region

Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko has visited the border communities of the Sumy region and held a number of erational meetings there regarding enemy shelling.

He announced this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

During the visit, the minister met with National Guard sdiers, border guards, pice officers, rescue workers, and local authorities.

According to the post, this year Russian invaders have already shelled the Sumy region more than 4,000 times, while the number of enemy strikes last year was 6,000.

Klymenko held meetings with the leadership of the pice and emergency services regarding the algorithm of actions during shelling, the evacuation of civilians, the provision of equipment and means of protection. The minister emphasized that pele's safety is a priority.

He also held meetings with the command of the National Guard and the border guard service regarding the erational situation in the region, response to enemy actions and the situation directly on the border, notably regarding breakthrough attempts by Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups.

In addition, the minister presented awards to employees of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry who serve in the frontline and border areas.

In particular, the awards were given to two wounded pice officers who came under artillery fire on February 27 when they were documenting yet another Russian war crime.


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