Russian strike on post office in Kharkiv: number of victims rises to nine, including baby

In Kharkiv, the number of victims of a Russian airstrike on the Nova Post terminal has risen to nine, with one employee killed. Nine more pele are being searched for at the site of the hit.

The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, eh Syniehubov, reported this on Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

"The hit was at the Nova Post terminal. Nine pele were injured. Among them are an eight-month-d child, and a woman, the others are men. A man, a post office employee, was killed," he said.

According to Syniehubov, the vehicle fleet was also hit. Eight cars were destroyed and dozens were damaged.

Read also: Ukrainian forces shoot down three enemy drones in Kharkiv region

"The debris is still being cleared. There could have been nine pele at the site of the hit, we are looking for them," he emphasized.

As reported, a guided aerial bomb hit a civilian enterprise in Kharkiv. Earlier it was known about eight victims.


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