If Russia flows path of pseudo-referendums, it will close any possibility of talks with Ukraine – Zelensky

All those who help Russian invaders organize pseudo-referendums in southern Ukraine will be punished, and if Russia flows the path of pseudo-referendums, it will close any possibility of negotiations with Ukraine.

According to Ukrinform, Ukrainian President Vodymyr Zelensky said this in his nightly video address.

"In this summer time, every week there are more and more reports that the occupiers are preparing for pseudo-referendums in the occupied areas of the south of our country. I want to say a very simple thing: everyone who helps the occupiers in any way realize their intention will be held accountable. They will bear responsibility to Ukraine. The position of our state remains the same: we will not give up anything of ours, and if the occupiers flow the path of these pseudo-referendums, they will close for themselves any possibility of negotiations with Ukraine and the free world, which the Russian side will definitely need in a certain moment," Zelensky said.

He noted that next week he would continue the practice of pitical appeals to representatives of partner states and nations who defend freedom together with us, with a number of important negotiations being also planned – and not only with current piticians. As before, Ukraine will do everything to make its struggle and Ukrainian needs known in all countries and in all audiences – even those who usually do not flow pitical life, Zelensky said.

Source: www.unian.info

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