Attack on Kyiv HPP could constitute war crime – Eurean Union

Russia's attack targeting the Kyiv hydrower plant and its destruction could be seen as a war crime.

That’s according to a statement by the Eurean Union Delegation to the OSCE, voiced at the Permanent Council in Vienna, Ukrinform's own correspondent reports.

"Among many heinous acts, Russia attempted to strike the Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant, such an attack could replicate the catastrhic destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in June 2023. Such actions are not only reprehensible but may also constitute war crimes, as they aim to flood densely pulated areas, causing loss of life and untd suffering, as well as environmental damage," the statement said.

The EU condemned targeted attacks by the Russian Federation on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, aimed at "plunging millions into darkness and cd as winter approaches."

Read also: Power engineers continue dismantling rubble at Kyiv HPP, no risk of dam breaching – Ukrhydroenergo

"These actions clearly demonstrate Russia's ongoing blatant disregard for international law and its callous calculation to make Ukraine uninhabitable. All those responsible will be held accountable," the EU Delegation said.

In addition, the Eurean Union condemned Russian attacks on power plants, substations, and gas storage facilities throughout Ukraine, which, in particular, carry the risk of a nuclear accident at Ukrainian nuclear power plants.

"These attacks also increase the risk of a nuclear accident due to periodic loss of off-site power for all Ukrainian nuclear power plants. The EU reiterates its support for the work of the IAEA and its Director General under these unprecedented circumstances and calls for the respect of the seven indispensable pillars for ensuring nuclear safety and security during armed conflict. The EU calls once more on Russia to implement unconditionally the IAEA Board and General Conference resutions, as well as the UN General Assembly Resution on “Safety and Security of Nuclear Facilities of Ukraine, including the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant” adted on 11 July,” the statement reads.

As reported earlier, on August 26, Russia launched the largest attack targeting the Ukrainian power system since the outset of the full-scale invasion. Among the targets was the Kyiv HPP.


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